Open enrollment for health

Insurance offered from The Family Insurance Guy

Eric Bernstein of Piedmont offers healthcare insurance plans from The Family Insurance Guy. (Photo provided)

By Robert Medley

Managing Editor

There is a growing number of people in the community who need better health insurance than what a corporation or “Obamacare,” the Affordable Care Act, can provide, one local salesman said.

“When you work for a company, look at what you pay for your coverage when they have open enrollment, when you add your spouse and your family,” said Eric Bernstein, who works for The Family Insurance Guy. He said insurance on the federal marketplace is subpar, and those employed by large companies may pay too much.

“I can get them a lower cost and better benefits,” Bernstein said.

Bernstein is the field sales leader for The Family Insurance Guy.

He took a moment to talk on the telephone during a barrage of calls for coverage this week. He said he had just helped a woman with a family of four find better coverage and lower rates.

Bernstein is raising his own family in Piedmont these days, and he is ready to offer healthcare options to others in the city and nearby in both Canadian and Kingfisher counties. He serves people nationwide, as well.

Bernstein’ office is at Northwest Expressway and N. MacArthur in northwest Oklahoma City.

He is super busy, these days, he said.

“Rates are unfortunately going up,” Bernstein said, and he blames the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare,” as well as President Biden, he added.

“You can now qualify for lower rates based on your health with national carrier,” he said.

When people need health insurance, they can customize their insurance based on their situations. There are plans that fit individual health needs, he said.

A New England native, Bernstein graduated from Oklahoma State University and worked in the rental car industry until 1999. He’s been in healthcare ever since. Anyone ages 18 to 65 falls in his market. Coverage is based on health, he explained.


“I also specialize in the self-employed, and people paying for their own health insurance, unlike brokers who throw their information online,” Bernstein said.

More and more people are wanting better options for their health and for tax deductions, he said.

He not only works in Oklahoma but for people in 40 states. He also has a growing customer base in Piedmont, and others who need coverage who are not getting Obamacare. He said the coverage is poor on the marketplace.

“I’m looking for people who are need better coverage to address their health needs,” he said.

Today, Bernstein lives in Coyoteee Springs, a Piedmont housing addition, with the three Es on the word coyote near Sara Road NE and N.W. 164/Washington Avenue. His sons,  Jeter, 6, and Jacobi, 9, attend Stoneridge Elementary School. He is married to wife Shannon.

The most recent offers Bernstein has available include a number of health insurance options. Plans include a nationwide PPO network, lower deductibles, open access to doctors, medical care available live all hours of the day and seven days a week, and vision and dental plans.

His healthcare options are, “helping families get the coverage they need at a price they can afford,” Bernstein says.

To reach Eric Bernstein call him at 405-590-4140.
