The Chief’s Briefs

First Amendment, Patriot Act, Government Overreach!

Scott Singer, Police Chief

By Chief Scott A. Singer

Well heck! Just when I was prepared to address issues surrounding social media, and juvenile abuse…up pops domestic terrorists in the guise of moms and dads. By now, most of us should realize the issue of which I speak is the U. S. Attorney General’s declaration that parents at public school board meetings, addressing issues concerning “critical race theory,” have suddenly become “domestic terrorists” and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, pursuant to the “Patriot Act.” It is this topic which leads me down several paths, all of which deserve some comment.

First, according to the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, and specifically the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” So that we’re clear, the conduct that is restrained is the government’s infringement by all or any government agencies, of a citizen’s right to express themselves, not only in person but through many varied media formats. We are faced with the classic situation of the tail wagging the dog!

In this particular case, elected officials (school board members), driven by socialist ideology, bend to the will of the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal government – who by the way holds various purse strings to federal funding that schools annually seek to make ends meet, or fulfill the will of the boards. This in turn allows for the controllers of such funding to dictate the will of their controlling party thus pressing affected school boards and other educational organizations which accept federal funds to cooperate with egregious and tyrannical governmental overreach. Now if I recall correctly, those elected to office – be it federal, state, local or some other rule making body, are most generally elected to represent the will of their constituents, not will of any radical agenda.

Other times, other places!

Throughout history, dictatorships, monarchies, socialist and communistic forms of governing have had several similarities. These similarities all require the imposition of the will of the governing body, by whatever means – no matter how Draconian – available. Of all the issues which separate democracies from dictatorships, control is the number one tool by which civil will is depressed into submission. This is followed closely by the issuance of rules, laws, or the threat of unjustly being subjected to arbitrary investigations by agencies whose original purpose has been subverted to promote the will of those whose radical agendas seek to divide and conquer.

Looking back into history; students of world history can find incredible examples of the suppression of entire nations or peoples overtaken by the ruling party by force and by dividing the nation along racial, religious or ethnic lines. Countries throughout history and throughout Europe, Africa and Asia have for centuries (including current times) imposed the will of the ruling body by creating secular, racial, or other divides by divesting those to be suppressed of their lawful or human rights, or by subjecting them to extermination to further whatever political end the “masters” choose. If you find this ideology archaic, just take a look at the world in which we live today. Evidence of such menacing and evil rule persist throughout many continents and will continue until the suppressed peoples are able to defend themselves from further destruction at the hands of those who rule by whatever means they find necessary and effective.


Next, those seeking to rule, must at all costs neuter the suppressed people’s ability to defend their rights by seizing whatever means the ruled class may possess such as blocking said ruled classes right to own or possess the means to defend themselves and their way of life from tyrannical rule. Attacks on the Second Amendment seek to accomplish what Germany and many other countries already accomplished throughout history. That is the disarming of those not of the ruling class, relegating these folks to second lass status and opening the way for what the ruling class is hoping to achieve…robbery of the masses – writ large! In other words, once conquered, the suppressed become sheep. They feast upon what they’ve been told are pastoral fields. Of lush grasses – while being blinded by promises of the ruling class’s providing for all their needs, while in reality are being fattened for the fleecing.

Last, student of history will recall that ruling bodies via. Whatever means available at the time, destroyed whatever was educational or informative of current events, particularly opposing views. The history of nations and people was rewritten to place blame on the oppressed, while. Promoting the ideologies of the intended ruling class for the purpose of indoctrination. For those of us that don’t recall, the road to a more affluent life wasn’t paved by wishes, but by visualizing your goals and working toward those goals, you know…good ole self-determination!

The visions of Orwell – Not so far off the mark!

Between George Orwell’s 1984 book, “Animal Farm,” and other works lies a truth that is in reality at the heart of our Constitution, Bill of Rights and all the subsequent Amendments -freedom. Freedom to choose, freedom to direct your own life and that of your issue. And the freedom to be free from a government that seeks to control virtually every. Aspect of your lives. The concepts of these Orwellian tomes demonstrate that the living – be it whatever group of flesh being represented – seek only self-reliance, companionship, a mutual lifestyle by which all prosper. But the way to such a utopia isn’t though absolute government control. This “dystopian society” simply allows the governed to become victims of the governing body. Control of the masses by threat, promises of government blessings, and subversion of rights already guaranteed by our founding documents isn’t democracy…it’s enslavement!

Until next week, consider the words of Sir Edmond Burke an Irish Statesman and member of Britain’s House of Commons. According to him: ‘All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent!’
