Bouncing off the bull

County’s Country Christmas gives riders a whirl

Jonathan Sipes, 15, of Piedmont, a ninth grader at Piedmont High School, sits on the mechanical bull and waits for a ride during the last event for the Piedmont Country Christmas series of holiday festivities on Friday, Dec. 18. (Photo by Robert Medley)

By Robert Medley
Managing Editor

Jonathan Sipes, 15, stood in a long line to wait for his turn to ride he mechanical bull at the Piedmont Country Christmas event.

He was one of many of all ages who tried their luck on the spinning, bucking bull machine.
Sipes, a ninth grader at Piedmont High School got on top of the mechanical bull as part of the event, “A Grand ol’ Christmas” on Monroe Avenue, Friday, Dec. 18.

He gave the bull a good ride on his first go-round. Then the second time he climbed on the bull he was tossed pretty quickly. A sock and a leg went up above the brown bull with the white horns, and Sipes went to the cushioned ground. Kandi Roller watched the ride with delight.


“It is fun watching him,” Roller said, laughing.

Sipes said, “It hurt when I fell.”

Sipes described the ride.

“My arms hurt from holding on,” Sipes said.

Garry and Declan Palmer, both of Yukon, waited in line and took a turn on the bull. Declan, 2, smiled as the ride operator kept the pace a slow one for their ride. They made a slow, dismount to the cushions.

Piedmont’s series of holiday events started Friday, Dec. 4 when Mayor Kurt Mayabb flipped the light switch for the downtown Christmas tree, and the green glow lighted up the town through the season.

The S’Mores Christmas event in Piedmont was Friday, Dec. 11, and the final one was “A Grand ol’ Christmas, Friday, Dec. 18.

Food trucks, and local businesses opened their doors for customers throughout the series of holiday events.