Land in Piedmont school district to be auctioned

Land in northwest Oklahoma County that is also in the Piedmont Public Schools District will be auctioned in March. (Photo by Robert Medley)

By Robert Medley

Managing Editor

Land that has been farmed for wheat and cattle for generations is going to the auction block in March in the Piedmont Public Schools District. Some of the land that falls in the Piedmont school boundaries also includes the edges of northwest Oklahoma County in Oklahoma City limits.

There will be more than 237 acres auctioned, many of those acres in 5-acre tracts that are found near the southwest corner of Arrowhead Road NE / NW 192, and N Morgan Road. The corrugated steel panels of a livestock shelter clanged in the wind on a sunny recent day in February. The white signs with red numbers show the placement of the tracts along N. Morgan Road.

North of the Spring Creek Memorial Cemetery and on the east side of County Line Road is land that lies within Oklahoma County borders as well as the Piedmont school district. Deer Creek, the actual creek, winds north of the tracts of land to be auctioned and crosses County Line Road. The land is west of the Twin Silos and Colonia Bella housing developments near the John Kilpatrick Turnpike and northwest of Paycom headquarters.

Land will be up for auction in the Piedmont Public Schools district in Oklahoma City limits on the northeast corner of NW 150 and N. Morgan Road. A land auction is March 25. (Photo by Robert Medley)

It is the only part of the Piedmont school district in Oklahoma County. From the John Kilpatrick Turnpike/ W Memorial Road, and along the east side of County Line Road for about a half mile, the district extends north to Moffat Road / NW 206 in the Piedmont City limits. The area is part of the school district’s ward one, according to a map on the district’s website.

An auction is 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25 at the Walnut Creek Center, 7840 NW 122 in northwest Oklahoma City. Schrader Real Estate and Auction Company Inc. information lists tracts 1-10 at the intersection of NW 15Oth and N County Line Road and tracts 11-23 at Arrowhead NE and Morgan.

The smaller tracts face the roads and 32-acre, swing tract that has been green with winter wheat is seen.

On the south side of Arrowhead Road are eight-acre tracts and 10-acre tracts. Along Morgan Road are five-acre tracts. There are 40-acre and 45-acre swing tracts with ponds and creeks to be auctioned.

Land in the Piedmont Schools District will be auctioned in March at Morgan Road and Arrowhead Road in the City of Piedmont limits. (Photo by Robert Medley)

The tour dates for tracts one and 18 are 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27; 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday, March 10; and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, March 24, according to Schrader Real Estate information found in a box along the right-of-way at NW 150 and Morgan Road.

Farmland is going to be auctioned off in northeast Piedmont on March 25. The land with a livestock shelter, ponds and a creek is at the southwest corner of N Morgan Road and Arrowhead Road / NW 192. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Housing developments have cropped up, transforming former farmland. Soapberry trees, a native tree, still line the roadways. Meadowlarks still live, where quail have mostly disappeared in recent years as development expands in northwest Oklahoma City northwest of Paycom headquarters.

Canadian County Assessor records show the 160 acres to be auctioned at Arrowhead and Morgan have been transferred in trusts for years. The land is currently listed with the owner, as Margaret Flynn Testamentary Trust. The taxable land valued at $26,528, according to the assessor’s office. The market value for the land is about $57,000 per acre, according to online real estate advertisements.
