Piedmont superintendent apologizes for ‘clear violation of Oklahoma law’

Says flyer circulated in email was sent by mistake


Piedmont Public Schools Superintendent Drew Eichelberger sent a message to patrons Friday morning apologizing for mistakenly promoting the upcoming City of Piedmont general obligation bond issue, a violation of state law.

The city bond election for three proposals totaling $16.7 million is Tuesday, Aug. 27 for a sports complex, municipal buildings and streets. If approved, it would raise property taxes in the city.

On Thursday, Aug. 22, Eichelberger shared a flyer through email urging people in the district to vote yes.

The district includes homes in the Oklahoma City and unincorporated parts of the county.

On Friday morning, Eichelberger sent another message to patrons explaining the flyer. On the bottom of the flyer it reads, paid for by Friends of Piedmont.

Drew Eichelberger

“The content of this flyer was regarding the upcoming City of Piedmont bond election. We missed the ‘vote yes’ in the body text of the graphic,” the message emailed in the district reads. “We regularly send community emails for many different local organizations in an effort to provide resources and information to our community.”

“As the superintendent of this district, I take full responsibility for this mistake. While this was an oversight by our staff, we understand this is a clear violation of Oklahoma law (26 O.S. 16-119). Moving forward, we will do better.”

The flyer headline sent out Thursday reads, “Piedmont is Worth It!”

The flyer reads, “See you at the polls Tuesday, August 27th.

“Dear, Piedmont residents,

We can take Piedmont to a higher level by improving our community. Vote YES on August 27th for the City of Piedmont G.O bond propositions!

Proposition #1, Major road improvements within Piedmont. Proposition #2, sports complex phase one. Proposition #3: Improve and expansion of municipal facilities.

The state law Eichelberger referenced in his messages reads: “Any official in this state who shall direct or authorize the expenditure of any public funds under his care, except as specifically authorized by law, to be used either in support of, or in opposition to, any measure which is being referred to a vote of the people by means of the initiative or referendum, or which citizens of this state are attempting to have referred to a vote of the people by the initiative or referendum, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and the office held by such party shall be adjudged vacant and shall be filled in the manner prescribed by law.”

Read the Piedmont-Surrey Gazette for updates to this developing story.
