Piedmont lowers number of ag program animals on small acreages

Complaints made about FFA and 4-H livestock in Dickerson Farms addition


The Piedmont City Council voted 4-1 Tuesday night to limit the number of farm animals used in a school agricultural education program such as those that have been living in Dickerson Farms.

At issue has been the number of animals allowed with a special permit from the city at a Piedmont property in Dickerson Farms. There, Piedmont Schools Future Farmers of America and 4-H program has been allowed by special city permits on an acreage of less than five acres in size. The limit of large animals on less than five acres of land is now limited to two animals already. Large animals allowed in the school programs do not include pigs.

Complaints about the animals that can be permitted were made at the city council regular meeting Tuesday from two residents who spoke during the time for residents to be heard.

The council voted in favor of limiting the number of large animals to two animals on less than five acres. An emergency clause not passed, giving the owners 30 days to comply.

Voting for the amendment to the ordinance that permits agricultural program animals were councilmembers Ryan Aller, Ward 1, Ron Cardwell, Ward 2, Rob Jones, Ward 3, Jonathan Hisey, Ward 4. Councilman Byron Schlomach, Ward 5 voted no. Schlomach said he favored an amendment that focused on nuisance problems and not the number of animals permitted. Mayor Kurt Mayabb was absent from the July 22 meeting.

The Piedmont High School FFA program has involved about 100 high schoolers.

Read The Piedmont-Surrey Gazette for local news coverage.
