Ashley’s Detail opens in Piedmont

Cleaner vehicles are rolling out of the new garage

Rey Villarruel, standing in the center in a bright yellow shirt, watches as his wife Ashley Villarruel cuts the ribbon for Ashley’s Detail, an auto detail shop opened in Piedmont on Thursday, June 6, 2024. At the ribbon-cutting ceremony was Piedmont Mayor Kurt Mayabb on the left, Eric Anderson President of F&M Bank, Rey’s daughters Brooklyn, Megan and Hailey; wife Ashley, holding the scissors; Rey; Anna Fresonke of Banta Property Group; Chris Waller, Ashley’s Detail employee; Amy Shout, chamber vice president; Madison Giggers; chamber member Joyce Leach; and State Rep. Denise Crosswhite Hader, R-Piedmont, House District 41 representative. (Photo by Coleen Conine)

By Robert Medley

Managing Editor

The dirty cars are soon to be clean on the inside and outside at a new shop that is opened in Piedmont.

Rey Villarruel has opened an auto detail shop and joined the Piedmont Chamber of Commerce.

The new shop in Piedmont is at 1885 N. Piedmont Road near the Epic Charter school.

Villarruel has been working on vehicles for about a decade.

His children attend Piedmont Schools. Villarruel’s days of working from home in Piedmont are over with the new shop opened for business.

Villarruel, 53, is originally from south Oklahoma City. He has 38 years in auto detailing.

Rey Villarruel on the left, and his family from left to right, Brooklyn, Hailey, Megan, and wife Ashley, hosted a ribbon-cutting and joined the Piedmont Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, June 6, 2024 at their new business, Ashley’s Detail, an auto detail shop in Piedmont. (Photo by Coleen Conine)

“What we do is we take people’s vehicles, and we clean it inside out top to bottom. We clean the engine by and dress it like a brand-new engine.”

They clean the inside making it beautiful and finally the exterior wax gets it showroom ready. He added that his mentor in his work has been his friend Vince Garcia, the owner of Tower Investments.

The new auto detail shop in Piedmont is Ashley’s Detail that opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, June 6, 2024. (Photo by Conine Coleen)

He said he gets clients who are planning to sell a vehicle to make it look better. And there are also customers who are regulars.

“One of the comments I love to hear people say is ‘wow it did not look good when I bought it.”

Most car dealership vacuum and dress the tires to make them look shiny.

“We clean the wheel wells and the rims really good and scrub the tires really good.”

Cars are detailed starting out at $175 and up. For larger vehicles SUVs and pickups detailing jobs start at $200 and up.

There is a two-bay garage at the northwest corner of Edmond Road / NW 178 and Piedmont Road.

The grand opening Thursday, June 6 included a ribbon cutting with friends, family, the Mayor of Piedmont Kurt Mayabb and chamber officials. The shop is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Saturday.

See more photos and read the story in the Thursday, June 13, 2024 Piedmont-Surrey Gazette print edition.
