Donate canned goods at municipal court in Piedmont

Help the Piedmont Service Center help the community


By Robert Medley

Managing Editor

For the holidays this year, a canned food drive is part of the City of Piedmont’s municipal court functions.

That’s right, canned goods were collected for those in need who can drop them off at the municipal court, said City Manager Josh Williams.

The cans collection ended Nov. 1 for the Piedmont Service Center. The center will also accept turkeys for Thanksgiving baskets.

A statement from Williams reads, “The Piedmont Municipal Court is collecting non-perishable holiday favorites, which will be donated to the Piedmont Service Center to assist with their holiday baskets.”

The municipal court is located at the George Fina Municipal Building in Piedmont at 314 Edmond Road NW.

The Piedmont Service Center also benefits from the annual pumpkin patch in October.

“Participation in these programs is not only an investment in your future but also an opportunity to build a caring community and spread holiday cheer,” Williams wrote.

Piedmont’s municipal court has administrative court dates that are held several times a month in person at the court clerk’s office, which can be found at the east-side entrance of 400 Edmond Rd. NW.  

Piedmont hosts a comprehensive court docket either at the Civic Center located at 314 Edmond Rd NW or virtually, depending on the defendant’s preference.  

Meanwhile, canned goods will be needed from those who can donate, Williams said.

“As we come up on the holiday season, we ask the community to help us make a difference and build a community that cares.  The Piedmont Municipal Court is collecting non-perishable holiday favorites, which will be donated to the Piedmont Service Center to assist with their holiday baskets,” Williams wrote.

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