Spooky Barbies taking over Piedmont Saturday night

Piedmont’s Halloween party thrown by local volunteers is Saturday, Oct. 28 on Monroe

Local volunteers will throw a Halloween party Saturday, Oct. 28 with a Spooky Barbie theme.

Spooky Barbies are coming out

Things are getting spooky with the Barbie crowd.

After the hoopla over the recent movie, the popularity of the doll has spilled over to the theme of the annual Piedmont hometown Halloween party Saturday, Oct. 28. The part is thrown by a group of local volunteers. 

The official trick-or-treat night in Piedmont is Tuesday, Oct. 31. 

The party will be on Monroe Avenue Saturday.

Spooky Barbie Hometown Halloween is 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday with games, food vendors and a bounce house.

The party is free.

The first 100 people can pick up a free #iHeartPIEDMONT Hometown Halloween T-shirt. 

Read The Piedmont-Surrey Gazette and follow piedmontnewsonline.com for news about community events.
