Helping collect food for the holidays

Piedmont High School football players collect food for Christmas season meal

At Williams Grocery, from left to right were Piedmont varsity football players Blue Ayers, Alex Kopp and Will Geiger. (Photo provided)

Piedmont High School varsity football players helped with collecting food for the Piedmont community holiday meal.

At Dollar General in Piedmont were Piedmont High School varsity football players Cale Amos, left, and Trent Cutbirth, right. (Photo provided)

Players handed out shopping lists for food donations at the Dollar General store and at Williams Grocery Store.

The Piedmont Holiday Meal drive continues through Wednesday, December 15. Meals will be distributed to families 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 18 at the Piedmont United Methodist Church. Families in need of a meal can respond to the survey link:


The players will also help distribute meals to local families in need.

The meal drive is sponsored by F&M Bank (Piedmont), Dollar General, Williams Grocery, Mammoth Energy Services, and Carvana.
