Piedmont ninth-graders make Eagle Scout rank

Nathan Berger and Noah Ferguson complete community projects

Nathan Berger, left, and Noah Ferguson, right, have earned the rank of Eagle Scout. (Photo provided)

Piedmont High School freshmen Noah Ferguson and Nathan Berger have earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Both are 14-years-old and are members of Troop 162 in Oklahoma City.

They began Scouting with Cub Scouts in the first grade and earned the Arrow of Light Award before advancing to Boy Scouts three years ago. Ferguson and Berger completed the Northern Tier High Adventure canoeing trek in Ely, Minn. this summer. Both earned the 50-Miler Award, Duty to God Award, Lake Monitoring Program Award, Trail of Courage Award and Historic Trails Award during the week-long canoeing and backpacking adventure.


Noah is the son of Eric and Teresa Ferguson. For his Eagle Scout project, he created a sensory garden at Monroe Elementary School in Oklahoma City to benefit special needs students. He is also now active in Sea Scouts.

Nathan is the son of Eric and Leslie Berger. His Eagle Scout project, titled “Hope for the Homeless,” benefitted The Homeless Alliance in Oklahoma City. The project included producing new art display units for the organization’s Fresh stART shows, correcting drainage issues at the Alliance’s WestTown Resource Center and enhancing the appearance of the campus.

Ferguson and Berger have each earned three Scouting awards including Messenger of Peace, National Outdoor Achievement Award for camping and World Conservation Award.

Berger and Ferguson said their favorite activity in Scouting was completing the Northern Tier trek. They added that Scouting has taught them how to exercise good leadership, how to approach their goals and how to serve other people.
