Jones sworn in Monday by Piedmont School Board

Dustin Yowell elected as school board president

Newly-elected school board member Layne Jones is sworn in Monday night in Piedmont by new Clerk Jerrod Moser as new board president Dustin Yowell sits to the right . (Photo by Robert Medley)

Layne Jones, former Piedmont Public Schools athletic director who defeated incumbent  Zach Myatt in the April 6 election, was sworn in Monday night at the regular monthly school board meeting.

Layne Jones is sworn in Monday night by board member Jerrod Moser. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Jones had 51% of the vote to Myatt’s 48%.


Jones was sworn in during the Monday, April 12 meeting

The board voted member Dustin Yowell as the new school board president. The board voted Steven Cox as vice-president.

The board voted for Jerrod Moser, former board president, to serve as board clerk. Members voted Greg Duffy as deputy clerk.

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