Partnership formed in Canadian County

City of Piedmont, Canadian Valley Technology Center, connect for progress

Road-grader operator Joey Mason, left, and Doug Baustert, Piedmont Public Works Director, lay asphalt millings on N. Mustang Road. (Photo provided)

By Carol Mowdy Bond
Contributing Writer

The City of Piedmont has a new partner in progress.

The Public Works Department and Canadian Valley Technology Center will soon be working together,

Jason Orr, Piedmont City Manager, said classes will begin soon for city workers.

“The City of Piedmont will be partnering with Canadian Valley Technology Center to provide continuing education classes for our Public Works Department. This ongoing training will ensure our employees are provided with quality instruction related to the equipment they operate,” Orr said.

Orr said the City of Piedmont staff is small compared to other cities of similar size.


“Most citizens are unaware that our Public Works Department has the same level of staffing and equipment as small towns with populations a quarter of our size. I will continue to push for more personnel, equipment, and facility upgrades for that Department as our community continues to grow,” Orr said.

Elizabeth Armstrong, Workforce Development Coordinator for Canadian Valley Technology Center, said, said she looks forward to the partnership.

“Canadian Valley Technology Center is proud to partner with the City of Piedmont.  We look forward to providing the training needed to ensure proper operation of the equipment and safety of the operators,” Armstrong said.

Doug Baustert, Piedmont Public Works Director said, “This is just another one of the many improvements we have made over the past year. Our job is challenging because of limited resources, but I’m proud of our guys for what they are accomplishing.”
