By Carol Mowdy Bond
Contributing Writer
There’s a lotta hoppin’ good fun for Easter this year. Check out some of these family friendly events.
On Saturday, April 3, Light Your World Church of Okarche will host Easter Eggstravaganza 2021. Free to the public, the event will be held at the Okarche City Park, located at Iowa Avenue and S. 6th Street in Okarche, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. There will be tons of candy, and prizes will be given away. You may register to win bicycles and other prizes.
Riding in an Okarche fire truck, the Easter bunny will hop in at 10 a.m., and the egg hunt will follow immediately. To register for the free event, go to www.eventbrite.com/d/ok-okarche/free-events/.
On Saturday, April 3, the Piedmont Parks and Recreation Department is hosting Easter Eggstravaganza from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in downtown Piedmont along Monroe Avenue. The egg hunt begins at about noon. There will be food trucks, kid’s activities, a petting zoo, boutique shopping, and more. For updates, follow the Facebook page www.facebook.com/events/356875112176327.

On Saturday, April 3, Teri and Scotty DeQuasie will have the Easter bunny on hand, to take pictures with children. The event will hoppin’ from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Be Here Now Yoga/Mugwamps Fitness located at 113 Monroe Avenue in Piedmont. Cost is free, or whatever you want to pay. Sponsors include Turquoise Spur Designs.
On Sunday, April 4, Grace Communion Surrey Hills and the Surrey Hills Lions Club are hosting the Surrey Hills Digital Easter Scavenger Hunt that involves over $1,000 in prizes to be given away. Participants need a vehicle, and a cell phone with access to Facebook.
Starting at 1:30 p.m. a list of clues will be released on the Facebook event page Surrey Hills Easter Scavenger Hunt. Families will have to solve each clue to figure out where each egg is hidden in the Surrey Hills community. When they find the egg, they have to take a selfie with it, and move to the next egg. Every egg has a letter in it. When all nine eggs are found, participants have to unscramble the letters, which lead to the golden egg. When finished, families upload all 10 selfies to the same Facebook event page. The first 10 families to successfully complete the scavenger hunt and upload the pictures win a prize basket worth $150.00. Sponsors include Cal’s Chicago Style Eatery, Becky Karpe Metro First Realty, Blue Donkey Cafe, Grounds 4 Compassion, Heartland Pub & Grill, Mineral Movement Chiropractic, Stampede Western Grill, The Pristine Salon & Spa, Trailer Trash Treatz, and A Latte Love Coffeehouse.