By Robert Medley
Managing Editor
The City of Piedmont’s financial position is strong, and an audit of finances has been completed finding everything on the up and up, city council members were told Monday.
A report on a financial audit for fiscal year 2019-2020 showed Piedmont hit an 8.8 out of 10 points for financial strength. Frank Crawford of Crawford & Associates gave a report on a 70-page audit of City of Piedmont finances at the city council meeting Monday, March 22.
“To kind of summarize the audit. It’s clean and clean. We’ve got good numbers and we’ve had no weaknesses in putting those numbers together and the processes the city goes through,” Crawford said.
City Councilwoman Melissa Ashford said the report shows Piedmont is one of the top places in the country in finance.
“Our audit came back and I’m proud to say that Piedmont has performed higher than any other city in Oklahoma with our record-setting score last year,” Ashford said. “We are still performing well above satisfactory ratings this budget year.”

She praised the city staff.
“Kudos to our City Manager and staff! Congratulations for being record setters and for having one of two highest scores in the nation!” Ashford said.
Crawford said Piedmont finances are looking good for the current fiscal year.
“Financially health wise you guys are as strong as any city in the United States right now,” Crawford said.
Reserves were not burned up over the past year. Sales tax revenues were on the increase.
In the middle of calendar year 2021, the new fiscal year will start July 1.
The auditor’s representative suggested that city officials discuss use of money.
A financial statement audit did not turn up any wrongdoing. There are no findings of embezzlement, for example.
Ashford asked if any embezzlement had been found and was told there had not been.
“So for the last four years we have been above satisfactory ratings?” Ashford asked. She was told there have been no illegal activities found.
“It’s a clean audit,” Crawford said.
Council members voted to accept the findings of the audit.