Canadian County Show Off

Canadian County Junior Livestock events draw youth and animals to the big arena in El Reno

Kenna Gay of Piedmont uses a blow dryer to dry the wool on her goat at the Canadian County Junior Livestock Show and Sale on Saturday, March 6 at the fairgrounds in El Reno. (Photo by Glen Miller/El Reno Tribune)

From Staff Reports

The sheep, swine, beef, and goats at the Canadian County Junior Livestock Show and Sale gave youth a chance to display animals and be rewarded for their hard work throughout the year.

4-H and FFA programs from across the county participated in the events this year Saturday through Tuesday at the Canadian County Fairgrounds in El Reno.


There were 38 swine, 20 sheep, 15 steers and five goats that made the premium sale.

Yukon High School FFA youth attended the show including Madelyn Shropshire who showed a goat. Kenna Gay of Piedmont 4-H also entered a goat in the show.

Maggie Butler was another Yukon girl who showed this year with swine.