On the Rescue

Owner Lori Jones with Tree, at Haven of Hope Rescue Foundation, located at 7820 Gregory Road NW, Okarche. Lori wrote a children’s book about the rescued treeing walker coonhound and its exceptional abilities. (Photo provided)

By Carol Mowdy Bond
Contributing Writer

A Canadian County canine rescue, located between Okarche and Piedmont, is raising funds for numerous projects to benefit their rescue and care of dogs and puppies.

Lori and Richard Jones own Haven of Hope Rescue Foundation, located at 7820 Gregory Road NW, Okarche. And they have a lot of fundraising projects in the works.

The nonprofit foundation has numerous talented supporters who make crafts, home decorations, dog blankets, and more, and the foundation sells the items through social media and in their booth at The Old Store located in downtown Piedmont.

Since prior to November 2020, Jane Turner, of Surrey Hills, has been making items that always sell very well, with the proceeds going to the foundation. Turner is currently painting rabbits on all types of bottles, and they’re already hoppin’ popular with customers.

As well, the foundation sells their well-known Hope Farms Spicy Dill Pickles, which are co-packed by S&S Foods in Mustang. The pickles sell through social media, the Haven of Hope booth at The Old Store in Piedmont, and by special order. Cost is $11 per jar. Thus far, Lori and Richard have sold thousands of jars of their pickles. And they will deliver to some areas.

Lori and Richard operate a small scale farm. They sell eggs and produce seasonally, as well as jewelry and vintage items, to raise funds for their rescue efforts.

As well, Lori wrote a children’s book, “Me and Tree,” about a treeing walker coonhound she and Richard rescued. The dog turned out to be exceptional, becoming not only a watchdog, but also aiding Lori in her work with other rescued dogs. The illustrated book is available for purchase on the foundation’s website. On the home page, scroll toward the bottom of the page for information on how to purchase.

Monies raised through all fundraising endeavors go toward dog care, vet bills, and dog food. But Lori and Richard are seeking more funds, because they are building a second 2,400 square feet canine facility.

“We have been working toward opening our new facility since winter 2016. Thanks to many very generous local business leaders and generous supporters, we have made incredible progress. We are currently working on finishing the sheetrock and ceiling in the new facility. The next step will be to insulate the attic area and start the detail work such as mud and tape, texturing and painting, installing fixtures, finishing out the bathroom and dog shower areas, floors, cabinetry, and more. We have so much still to do. We still need funds, and donations of materials, to continue progress on our new facility,” Lori said.

There’s not yet a projected opening date for the new facility. However, Lori and Richard hope to finish and open this year.


Since opening their doors in 2009, Haven of Hope has placed or been involved in rescuing hundreds of dogs and puppies. The foundation is also involved in networking needy animals through other rescue partners, helping dogs and puppies that never come through Haven of Hope’s doors. The foundation primarily recues large and giant breeds. Lori and Richard take in last chance shelter dogs, and high risk and special needs dogs. They take dumped, abandoned, abused and neglected dogs. Dogs receive medical and emotional care. Adoption numbers vary from year to year.

Haven of Hope is located on five acres, and currently includes a heated and cooled 2,400 square feet canine facility. At any given time, the foundation houses up to 50 dogs and puppies in the facility. There are also large, yard areas for the dogs to enjoy outside time.
Haven of Hope can always use donations such as Walmart and other store bags; dish soap; laundry soap; dryer sheets; toys; Purina Puppy Chow; dog treats; plant-based cleaners; paper towels; blankets; bath towels; rawhides and more.

Donations, sponsorships of rescues, and adoption fees, are some of the primary funding mechanisms for Haven of Hope. All adopted dogs are spayed or neutered, and fully vetted. Adopters receive information about any issues when adopting a dog.

To connect with Haven of Hope Rescue Foundation, call (405) 620-2411, or email hopefordogs@havenofhoperescue.com, or go to the website http://havenofhoperescue.com. You may also go to the Facebook page Haven of Hope Rescue and see the latest dogs and puppies for adoption, as well as other information. On the Facebook page Hope Farms Spicy Dill Pickles you will find information about the pickles, as well as eggs and produce for sale.