Piedmont Schools switch to virtual learning

Return date set for Jan. 19

Piedmont Superintendent Dr. James White.
Anticipating a spike in COVID-19 cases after the Christmas vacation, Piedmont Schools will transition to virtual learning starting Monday, Dec. 14.
Students will not return until Jan. 19, district officials report.
“Piedmont students will transition to distance learning beginning Monday, December 14. In anticipation of the continual rise of positive cases and quarantines during and following the holiday break, we will resume distance learning for the beginning of the second semester on January 5. Students will have the opportunity to return to in-person classes on January 19,” according to a post on the district’s social media page.
During the fall semester, seventh through 12th grade students had attended two or three days a week in groups A and B by last name. Groups alternated weeks attending two days one week and then three days the next week.
A letter from Superintendent Dr. James White states:
“Since the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we have all lived in uncertainty. Fortunately, this school year has provided some sense of normalcy for our students, staff, and families. We have been blessed to provide the opportunity for in-person learning, and we sincerely thank all of those who have worked incredibly hard to make it happen.”
A spike in cases was reported after Thanksgiving, White said.
“After the Thanksgiving holiday, we have seen the number of both positive COVID-19 cases and quarantines in our school community rise dramatically. With the best interest of our students, staff, and families in mind, we have made the difficult decision to transition to distance learning beginning Monday, December 14. In anticipation of the continual rise of positive cases and quarantines during and following the holiday break, we will resume distance learning for the beginning of the second semester on January 5. Students will have the opportunity to return to in-person classes on January 19. We certainly understand the hardship this places on our families, however, the health of our students and staff is our priority.”
Patrons are asked to check email and social media posts as information is released.
Principal will send detailed emails regarding students’ school sites and distance learning framework on Friday, Dec. 11. Guidelines will vary based on grade level.
District officials report that educators will continue teaching new concepts and standards.
“It is imperative that students participate fully in watching all posted content and completing their daily assignments.”

Students will access lessons through Google Classroom remotely.

Students are expected to login and complete their lessons via Google Classroom DAILY.

Assignments will be posted by 8 a.m. each day.

All assignments will be due on Monday for the previous week. This will allow flexibility for families who may need the weekend to complete posted assignments. Students who fail to turn in their work by Friday after the Monday it was due will receive a zero for that assignment and will not be allowed to make it up (parent communication and documentation required).

Zoom meeting schedule will be posted in your student’s Google Classroom by their teacher. Students are expected to attend these Zoom sessions. Sessions will include small group literacy and math instruction.

Zoom meetings should be treated as an in-person, in-class session.

All special education case managers have met with parents/guardians regarding contingency plans for distance learning to ensure the individual needs of these students are met. If you have questions regarding your student’s special services contingency plan, please contact your case manager, the district reports.

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