Public hearing on Piedmont road tax plan Monday

City council could set special election date for January

Piedmont residents will have a chance to comment Monday on the plan to fix roads. This is a picture of the road along NW 164/E Washington Avenue at Shirley Lane in front of the Eastwind housing addition between Mustang and Sara roads. (Photo by Robert Medley)

The Piedmont City Council has called a public hearing on a proposed road tax as part of the Monday, Sept. 28 city council meeting.

A $28 tax for residents per month, for two years,  has been proposed to pay for citywide road and street work. The council could set a special election date for Jan. 12, 2021. The money would be charged on residents’ utility bills.

A large crowd of residents in February showed up at a city council meeting to protest the plan to fund roadway improvements. The council tabled the issue, and it was further waylaid by the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Monday night, the council meets at 6:30 p.m. at 240 Edmond Road N.W., for a regular monthly meeting.

Those who want to comment on the plan can sign in before they speak at the meeting.

After the public hearing portion of the meeting, the council could vote at the meeting to set the election date. The proposed plan would generate about $1.5 million for road improvement in two years. People age 65 and older could be exempt from the tax.

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