Classic nights on Monroe

Monthly car show draws people to town

Joe Morgan, on the left and Alvin Davis, enjoy the car show in Piedmont on Monroe Avenue with Davis’ hot rod, a 1932 Ford Highboy seen in this picture from Friday, Sept. 4. (Photo by Melissa Ashford)

From Staff Reports

Downtown Piedmont was crowded with classic cars, food trucks and spectators Friday night on Monroe Avenue.

The car show was organized by Steve Bottkol of Piedmont who brought his classic car, a 1987 Buick Grand National.

The first show was in August, and Friday, Sept. 4 was the second one.

City Councilwoman Melissa Ashford, Ward V, said the second car show had more people than the first one. Food trucks had lines through the whole two-hour show. Piedmont High School also opened their football season Friday night nearby at F&M Stadium. \


Another Piedmont car show is being planned for October. The date has not yet been set, Bottkol said.

The Friday night car show had about 30 vehicles in the show and more than 100 people.
“It was a good family event for everyone,” Buttkol said.