Piedmont buildings closed to public


The City of Piedmont buildings have been closed to the public Thursday due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A news release from the city states the rise in cases has prompted the decision.

“Due to increase numbers of COVID-19 cases all city facilities will remain closed to the public,” according to a news release.
Piedmont had the first death of coronavirus this week, the Oklahoma State Department of Health reported.

There are 70 cases of COVID-19 in Piedmont as of Thursday.

People are asked to drop off their utility payments in a drop box or pay online.

Those with questions call call the city office at 405-373-2621.
Virtual court dates are also going to be offered.
Call (405)373-5216 for more information or go to http://www.piedmont-ok.gov/156/Court.
The library will also be closed. The south door will no longer be open for computer use, printing, faxing and copying. These services will be available by appointment, by calling 373-9018. Reserved books will continue to be available on the shelf by the south door.
For those needing police assistance for non-emergencies call 405-373-1334.
“The City of Piedmont appreciates your assistance in taking precautions to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the impact of this pandemic,” according to a news release.