Piedmont city council member resigns Monday

Appointment ahead to fill his vacant seat

John Brown, Councilman, Ward IV resigned in 2020.

Ward IV City Council Member John Brown announced his resignation in Piedmont Monday night.

At the end of a regular monthly meeting, Brown read a statement and resigned.

The council will now look toward replacing Brown for the remainder of his term, said Mayor Kurt Mayabb.

City Manager Jason Orr praised Brown’s work on the council.

“John Brown deservingly received a standing ovation from the entire room last night,” Orr said. “I have never known a council member bring a higher level of comprehension, dedication, and heart to an elected body than he has. It has been nothing short of an honor and a blessing to work for “JB” over the past four years.”

Brown said the situation in Piedmont has taken a turn for the worse.

“The political environment in Piedmont has taken a drastic turn and has become toxic,” Brown said in his resignation speech.

Brown had taken time off from the council for six years before returning to the council.

He said this year, “The budget process turned into a giant mess.”


“Most of the people don’t know how government works. All they want is change,” Brown said.

“It is time to say goodbye,” Brown said.

Brown said “some of the toughest decisions I have ever made have been on the city council.”

“I wish all of you well,” Brown said.

On Monday night, newly-elected Councilwoman Melissa Ashford, Ward V, and Austin Redus, Ward III, were sworn in.

Piedmont City Councilwoman Melissa Ashford was sworn in Monday night. (Photo by Robert Medley)
City Attorney Michael Segler reads the Oath of Office in Piedmont to newly-elected Councilman Austin Redus, Ward III at a Monday night city council meeting. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Read More in the Piedmont-Surrey Gazette.