By Carol Mowdy Bond
Contributing Writer
Masks or facial coverings are required for all students and staff, not only in Piedmont school buildings, but also on district buses, when school begins on August 20.
Masks will be required when entering or exiting a building, when moving from one room to another, including from one classroom to another, when entering or exiting the cafeteria, and with sitting within 6 feet of another person. Any students who exhibit fever or other COVID-19 symptoms at school will be isolated until parents pick up the students, the district announced.
Details of the Piedmont Schools plan were released by Superintendent James White late Thursday.

Students and staff may remove their masks when eating breakfast or lunch, while at recess, and in situations where individuals can be separated by at least 6 feet. Masks may also be removed in physical education classes while participating in the activity, although social distancing is required.
At home each morning, each student must have his or her temperature taken. Any student with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher may not enter a district facility. When ill, students are required to use the district’s hybrid learning environment, and will not receive an absence if they complete their daily assignments.
Visitors will not be allowed to enter school buildings. Any gatherings, such as PTO meetings and student recognition, will be conducted virtually.