Piedmont’s Freedom Fest canceled

Other events planned to replace fireworks

City council says no to fireworks in city limits.
There will be no Fourth of July fireworks in Piedmont this year.


This year’s July 4 Freedom Fest fireworks display in Piedmont has been canceled due to concerns with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Piedmont’s annual July 4 event is another casualty of uncertainty with the coronavirus situation, said Louanne Trammel, special events coordinator for the city. Trammel, Mayor Kurt Mayabb and Fire Chief Andy Logan met to discuss the event’s future recently, Trammel said.

Several other events have been planned to give people something to do during the holiday period, she said.

“Whenever you put on an event you have to pay deposits, and we did not think it was best for the city’s money this year,” Trammel said.

“We just don’t know what direction COVID-19 will take,” Trammel said.

The activities planned for this year include a virtual fishing tournament, patriotic parade of homes and a raffle event.

This year’s event was going to be called Frontier Freedom Fest with a country and western theme to be 5 p.m. to 10 .m. on Saturday, July 4.

The virtual fishing tournament is free and details are on the City of Piedmont Facebook page. From June 27-28, people can take their fish to Mayor Kurt Mayabb’s house for the Freedom Fishin’ Frenzy. Mayabb will weigh the fish. The prizes will be $100, $50 and $25. Entry is free.


The winner will be announced at 10 a.m. on June 29.

A raffle will be June 29 to July 3. People can enter the contest at 20 Piedmont businesses for drawings for $50 gift cards. There will be 20 winners.

Also, the Piedmont Patriotic Parade of Homes is June 29 to July 3. People are asked to decorate their homes in patriotic themes. The winners could receive up to $500. One winner will be selected for each ward of the city.

For more information see the City of Piedmont Facebook page and follow the Piedmont-Surrey Gazette and piedmontnewsonline.com