Canadian County Sheriff’s drug dog dies

K-9 Deputy Gunner served seven years

K-9 Deputy Gunner, a Canadian County Sheriff's drug dog, has died. (Photo provided)

He was a deputy’s best friend and a major part of Interstate 40 illegal drug trafficking enforcement.

After all, Gunner was the one who sniffed everything out and found the contraband over a seven-year career.

Gunner, 10, was euthanized Thursday at Yukon Hills Animal Hospital.

Canadian County Sheriff’s Deputy Lt. Jason Glass with K-9 Deputy Gunner after a large illegal marijuanja bust on Interstate 40. (Photo provided)

Law officers from several agencies showed up to offer support to Gunner’s main man over the years, his handler Lt. Jason Glass.


Deputy Kevin Johnson, who has been a dog handler for over 20 years, is the Canadian County Sheriff’s K-9 supervisor.

Canadian County Sheriff’s Deputy Kevin Johnson, K-9 unit supervisor. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Johnson spoke on the department’s behalf on the loss of their buddy and partner Thursday.

“Gunner was a German Shepherd, and his entire career he was with Lt. Glass,” Johnson said. “Also he (Gunner) was assigned to the criminal interdiction division for the majority of his career with the department. What he did was work the interstate highways and some special assignments to primarily to stop people and doing drug sniffs on cars where they had large amounts of drugs and currency.”

Gunner worked for the Canadian County Sheriff’s office for seven years and retired a year ago.

“Usually with shepherds especially and large breed dogs their hips start to fail,” Johnson said.

“In the end you want your dog, because you work with these dogs and are with them as much as you are with your family, so you want them to be comfortable and when it gets to the point they can’t get around on their own and it is hard for them to eat, it is a hard decision to make,” Johnson said Thursday.

No ceremony is planned.