Piedmont City Council approves budget

Capital improvement projects ahead

Piedmont Mayor Kurt Mayabb.

Piedmont’s City Council voted in a Monday night regular meeting to approve the proposed fiscal year budget for 2020-2021.

The proposed operating budget of $10,444,881 was approved with council members John Brown, Ward IV, Councilman Kevan Blasdel, Ward I, and Councilman Albert “Al” Gleichmann, Ward III voting yes. Councilman Bobby Williamson, Ward II and Councilwoman Melissa Ashford, Ward V, were not present.

Mayor Kurt Mayabb said the budget was studied by the council and a committee. The city recently laid off two employees due to the economic downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic as sales tax revenues were down about 10% for the city.

“We’ve had several meetings some with the committee and a couple of workshops with the council,” Mayor Kurt Mayabb said.

Piedmont City Councilman, Albert “Al” Gleichmann, Mayor Kurt Mayabb and Councilman Kevan Blasdel at the Monday, May 18 regular council meeting. (Photo by Robert Medley)

“We went through the all the numbers line by line and tonight we approved all of those items. We’ve changed some, we’ve lowered some, we’ve tried to put more into our roads and our infrastructure  problems, so It’s going to be a pretty good year. We’ve got some capital improvements coming.”

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