Road patchin’

Terrace Hills neighbors sidestep city to fix potholes

Potholes, Piedmont-Surrey Gazette, City of Piedmont
Residents use shovels, ready-mix concrete and the weight of their trucks to pack down a repair to potholes. One gash in the road took 10 bags of ready-mix and was large enough to stand in. (Photo provided)

By Mindy Ragan Wood
Staff Writer

Sometimes a neighborhood has to do what a neighborhood has to do and for the citizens in Terrace Hills that means filling in potholes.

“We’re a group of 25 homes in the middle of a field. We’ve had massive potholes,” resident Thomas Feuerborn said. “One pothole was so big you could stand in it.”

After work orders turned into the city didn’t result in repairs, the residents decided to try fixing their streets on their own. Most of the city’s road budget is devoted to high traffic roads with some left over for streets and alleys.

The neighborhood has a Facebook page where people discuss ways to fix their streets. Feuerborn and neighbor Donnie Haire gathered up a collection of funds and were able to get some materials donated to get to work.

At least 18 potholes were patched from the end of October through the first week in November. Feuerborn spent about $180 and purchased 50-pound bags of ready-mix.
Haire, who works for Love’s Corporation, spent $400 in road materials along with eight bags a vendor donated.

One pothole Haire fixed took 10 bags of ready mix. He said the potholes were a matter of some safety concerns and impact to cars.

“Everyone likes to complain about it,” Haire said. “But no one does anything about it. It’s a great community to find people coming together.”

City Manager Jason Orr said he appreciated the effort.

“I think it’s great they’re pitching in and helping out,” he said.