Thanking Thomerson

Piedmont city council applauds former mayor for her leadership

Former Piedmont Mayor Valerie Thomerson, center, reads a plaque presented by City Manager Jason Orr, left, and Acting Mayor Bobby Williamson prior to the city council meeting Monday night. Thomerson resigned as mayor after accepting a job in Texas. (Photo by Mindy Ragan Wood)

By Mindy Ragan Wood
Staff Writer

Valerie Thomerson received well wishes and a plaque in recognition for her service as Piedmont’s mayor from April 2011 until her resignation two weeks ago.

During the Monday night city council meeting, City Manager Jason Orr praised her for her calm demeanor and diligence in resolving matters citizens brought to her attention.

“There are a lot of good things I could say about the mayor and her time here. I’ve only known her two years and there a lot of things but in that time one of the things that really stuck out in my mind was she never really had that knee-jerk reactions that sometimes mayors and city council members tend to have,” Orr said.

“She always took the time whenever there was an issue that a citizen brought to her attention, she always took time to call me and say, ‘hey Jason, what’s going on.’ She would get things figured out and get back to the citizen. We have our election coming up, so I hope the next mayor will take that into consideration and consider the good things this mayor has done and repeat those good behaviors,” he said.

Acting Mayor Bobby Williamson presented Thomerson with a bouquet of flowers.

“She’s been a close friend and mentor to me over the years,” he said.

Thomerson announced her resignation July 13 after she received a job offer in Texas where she and her husband planned to return next year. The job opportunity came ahead of their plans to finish her term.

Thomerson thanked Orr and the council and left without comment.

Williamson said he intends to seek the mayor’s seat in the April election. He did not appoint a vice-mayor during the meeting. Williamson was vice mayor prior to Thomerson’s resignation.