Piedmont Municipal Authority approves utility bill increase

Bills go up January 2025


The Piedmont Municipal Authority members voted unanimously at a Monday, Nov. 25 meeting to raise utility bills for customers Jan. 1, 2025.

A resolution was passed that calls for a capital improvement fee of $22 for all utility customers to generate revenue “to be used solely for capital improvements to the water and sewer systems including the debt service costs associated with the financing of those capital improvements,” according to information in the meeting agenda packet.

Revenues will be used to apply for loans from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to improve the water system in Piedmont, a city that buys water from Oklahoma City and does not have its own wells that can be used currently. Piedmont needs an above ground water storage facility, new pipeline system, and wells that are operating to support their own system.

Oklahoma City will raise their water rates by 7.5% over the next five years, Piedmont city council members were told at the meeting during a presentation of costs facing the city and future needs. 

The Piedmont Municipal Authority, comprised of the Piedmont City Council members, passed a resolution at the Monday, Nov. 25 meeting supporting the $22 increase in 2025 and that future rate increases are ahead annually in 2026 “to address future increases in cost of providing services.”

The city manager’s office has reported that Smith Roberts Baldischwiler, and city staff presented the results of the cost-of-service study on the financial performance of Piedmont Municipal Authority. The PMA oversees the city’s water, wastewater, and sanitation services.

The city manager had posted a “notice of rate discussion” that reads:

“At the November 25, 2024 City Council meeting, there will be a discussion, consideration, and potential vote on increasing utility rates for water and wastewater services. We encourage residents to stay informed and participate by tuning in or reviewing the materials online.”

The council and PMA meet monthly at 314 Edmond Road NW monthly. Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
