Watch out for deer!

Roadkill can be donated by game wardens, food program continues

A doe that had been struck by a vehicle about a half mile east of County Line Road along NW 150 Sunday night, Nov. 5 remains on the shoulder. It is illegal to remove fresh roadkill, but a game warden can be contacted. (Photo by Robert Medley)

By Robert Medley

Managing Editor

Deer and vehicle collisions are on the increase in the month of November, as hunting and rutting seasons are open.

A young buck dashed across County Line Road at NW 164 about dusk on Friday, Nov. 3, and a sport utility vehicle slowed down as the buck, with about 8-points on his rack, trotted into a row of trees.

Three days later, Monday night, Nov. 6, near Richland Road on Northwest Expressway in Oklahoma City limits, another white-tailed deer was struck by the front end of a brand-new sport utility vehicle. There were no injuries.

Piedmont Police Chief Shayne Clark said he has not had any reports of deer collisions by drivers so far this season within the city limits.

With food insecurity up, venison could be in demand. But it is not legal to remove a fresh kill from a roadway without contacting a game warden.

Don Brown, communication and education specialist with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation explained that a recent article in Outdoor Oklahoma magazine gave some details.

A deer may be in salvageable condition, but according to statues, a person is not  legally able to take possession of the deer since deer are a game species.

However, a game warden can issue a permit allowing someone to harvest a road-killed deer. People can contact a game warden before removing any road-killed deer.”

 If a person is issued a permit to claim a road-killed deer, the person must remove the entire deer and dispose of the carcass properly after processing it. There are also statutes that address the proper disposal of animal carcasses.

 Also, a game warden can donate a road-killed deer in good condition to local families who are food insecure or local food charities.

 The uptick in collisions occurs this time of year because deer enter the rutting season (mating season). Bucks begin chasing does, and seem to become less attuned to their surroundings. So, running across a highway and possibly into traffic is more common during the rut in November.

 The Wildlife Department continues to operate two programs for helping the hungry: Hunters Against Hunger ( ) and Oklahoma Deer Share. ).

In Canadian County, contact game warden Mark Murray, 405-343-5489. 

In Kingfisher County, the game warden is Blake Pearson, 405-368-0887.
