Yuletide parade in Piedmont is Friday

Christmas activities ahead for the whole family

The Piedmont Christmas parade returns to Monroe Avenue Friday night, Dec. 17. Shawn Shropshire portrayed Santa Claus at last year's S'mores Christmas in Piedmont. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Santa Claus is coming to town.

So is the parade in Piedmont

At 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17, the streets of Monroe will be aglow with the colors and sounds of the season with the floats in the parade.

Santa Claus will be there for photographs and to hear last-minute requests for gifts possibly.


A few of the attractions after the parade will be axe-throwing, carriage rides, boutique shopping, food trucks and games and activities for all ages.

Sign-ups for those who want to be in the parade were accepted this week.

The Mayor’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony was Dec. 3.

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