The tree is on

Piedmont ceremony draws hundreds to Monroe Avenue as Christmas season events begin

A snow machine blows across Monroe Avenue at the Mayor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony, Friday, Dec. 3. (Photo by Robert Medley)

The tree was lit and left aglow Friday night Dec. 3 for the Mayor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony.

Under the green lights of the tree was a miniature train for rides, and a reindeer named Rose to pet.

The Snow Queen and Snow King on stilts graced the Piedmont Mayor’s Tree Lighting Friday, Dec. 3. (Photo by Robert Medley)

There were a number of characters in costumes including the Snow Queen and Snow King on stilts and Dickensian carolers in period costumes.

Payson Bergner, 3, and her dad Cody Bergner were at the Piedmont Mayor’s Tree Lighting where Payson won a bicycle from the prizes provided by the Piedmont-Surrey Gazette. (Photo by Robert Medley)

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