Discovering Piedmont

Television feature on local businesses to air on “Discover Oklahoma”

Chris Cook of the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation's show “Discover Oklahoma,” was in Piedmont Wednesday to film a feature on Piedmont Mayor Kurt Mayabb's Rockin' M Meats and on a local business, The Trendy Sister. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Piedmont Mayor Kurt Mayabb’s business, “Rockin’ M Meats,” was featured this week by “Discover Oklahoma,” a news feature program of the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation.

The “Discover Oklahoma” crew also planned to visit with the local business The Trendy Sister.


Photojournalist Chris Cook said the Piedmont features would air sometime after the middle of January.

“Discover Oklahoma” airs on KFOR-TV at 6:30 p.m. on Saturdays.

The Rockin’ M Meats food truck will be at the mayor’s tree-lighting ceremony on Monroe Avenue at 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3. This year’s Piedmont Christmas parade will be Friday, Dec. 17.

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