Kate Kearby of Piedmont named outstanding county citizen

Joan Herr of El Reno, and 4-H Educator Donna Stangl-Jung, center, and Kate Kearby of Piedmont, are pictured after Kearby and Herr were named 2021 Canadian County Outstanding Citizens. (Photo provided)

Kate Kearby of Piedmont has been named as an Outstanding Canadian County Citizen at the recent Canadian County Fair.

Joan Herr of El Reno also was recognized with the recent honor.

Kearby was nominated by Jim and Judy Swaim, who wrote a letter on her behalf.

“We have known Kate for 20-plus years. She has 31 years of federal service to this country serving in both the U.S. Army and at Tinker Air Force Base before retiring in January 2008.


While work kept her busy, her leisure time for over 50 years was spent in love with horses. Along with Don Rubley, they spent over 10 years maintaining the horse trails at Lake Carl Blackwell. Her knowledge and involvement at horse shows and trail rides stood out and she was asked to start a 4-H horse project club in Canadian County in 2008.

Additionally, she devotes time to the Piedmont Area Veterans Association supporting various projects and events, including the Quilts of Valor awarded to nominated verterans. Kate is a tireless worker. It is our honor to nominate her for the 2021 Outstanding Canadian County Citizen Award,” the letter reads.
