Piedmont City Council to consider future of city manager tonight

Recent state audit expected to be addressed in meeting

Jason Orr

The Piedmont City Council will consider the future of City Manager Jason Orr at a special meeting tonight, Monday, Aug. 23, according to an amended agenda.

An agenda states the council Monday night will discuss, consider and take possible action on the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining or resignation of the city manager, Jason Orr.

A recent state audit from the office of State Auditor and Inspector Cindy Byrd has been released that addresses issues that came up a year ago over the purchase of two pickups. The audit states that the pickups, one that cost $32,998 and another for $25,198, were purchased without competitive bidding. Telephone calls from City Manager Jason Orr to council members violated the Open Meetings Law, the state auditor’s opinion stated.

Council members requested the audit last year.

A meeting will begin tonight, Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the municipal building at 314 Edmond Road NW.

Piedmont’s municipal ordinance requires purchases by the city manager over $10,000 to be subject to competitive bidding.

Read The Piedmont-Surrey Gazette and check piedmontnewsonline.com for updates.
