Lawn stars

Manufacturers can’t keep up, supplies of new products low

Doug Gilles, owner of Gilles Brothers Lawn Equipment in Yukon, said the need for repairs is up this summer since manufacturers are behind on production of new products and supplies are short for parts. (Photo by Robert Medley)

The demand for new lawn equipment this summer has outpaced the supply, said Doug Gilles, owner of Gilles Brothers in Yukon.

Gilles has never seen a year with such a shortage of new supplies. He said lawnmowing equipment is not being manufactured as quickly this due to the pandemic of the past year and three months. And supplies are lower than this time last year.

Erik Wagner, drives a mower into the shop at Gilles Brothers Lawn Equipment, where the demand for repairs is up this summer. (Photo by Robert Medley)

More and more people need to repair the old mower instead of buying a new one, he said.

“This is way worse as far as small businesses getting products to sell than last year even was, it is more difficult,” Gilles said.

Mark Heilaman works on a weed trimmer at Gilles Brothers Lawn Equipment where the demand for repairs is up this summer. (Photo by Robert Medley)

Meanwhile, the grass is still growing. A cool and wet spring has made lawns green and healthy, and growing fast in Yukon and central Oklahoma.

“Right now, because the equipment is so hard to get, manufacturers can’t meet the demand. Repairs increase because if you can’t buy a new one, you have to get it fixed,” Gilles said.


Gilles was open as an essential business last summer and never missed a day.

Gilles has been in Yukon 17 years. He has five children who went to Piedmont Schools, Dusty, Daniel, Delanie, Dylan and Deanna. Dusty was the first wrestler from Piedmont to win a state championship. He is now working as a civilian at Tinker Air Force Base.

Gilles has a new building almost complete for more space for work at the current location, 541 W. Main Street, in Yukon. Gilles started his business in 1986 at N.W. 23 and Meridian Avenue in Oklahoma City before moving his business to Yukon in 1994 and then buying the building at 541 W. Main Street in 2004.

Gilles Brothers can be reached at 405-354-3565.
