Piedmont road tax proposal fails

Voters turn down $28 monthly tax

Kathy Blackwell of the Canadian County Election Board, front, helps voters check in at Piedmont First Baptist Church Tuesday as Joan Woods sits behind her. (Photo by Robert Medley)

The proposed Piedmont road tax failed with 81.45% of voters against the proposal in a special election Tuesday.

The unofficial final vote showed 81.45% against the proposal, or 988 no votes, to 18.55% in favor, or 225 yes votes, with all three precincts, absentee and early votes counted, the State Election Board reported.

If it had been approved, a $28 a month tax on utility bills for two years would have been collected to fund about $1.6 million in road improvements, city officials said.

Polls opened at 7 a.m. Tuesday at First Baptist Church, 15 Jackson Ave. N.W., Piedmont United Methodist Church, 2525 Piedmont Road N., and Light Your World Church, 4550 Northwest Expressway.

Voting was light early Tuesday at Piedmont First Baptist Church where Kathy Blackwell and Joan Woods worked for the Canadian County Election Board checking in registered voters.

The city council tabled a plan for the road tax in February, 2020, and after delays during the pandemic, the city council approved calling for a special election in late October.

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