Giving thanks for God, country

Insurance Matters: Mike Vincent

By Mike Vincent
Wesco Insurance

Happy Birthday America!!! On July 4th 243 years ago our founding fathers came together, with the Continental Congress, and the 13 colonies approved the Declaration of Independence.

Many believe it wasn’t just the wisdom and brilliance of the founders, but with divine providence in how it came together creating the greatest country history has ever seen – The United States of America.

A few years ago, I had the privilege to visit Washington, D.C. and tour many of the museums and sites. It was humbling to view the founding documents and tour the monuments. Seeing it all in person makes one acutely aware of the significance of what it stands for. These were no longer two dimensional stories from my high school textbooks but real stories that tells the birth of this country and shaped how we live.

These founders were willing to give up their fortunes, their lands, and even their lives for the thought to be free from an oppressive government with unfair taxes and lack of freedoms.

As my family and I walked through the rolling green hillsides of evenly spaced graves at Arlington National Cemetery I got a lump in my throat. We made our way to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and watched as the guards changed and proudly represented their posts. They are like machines with their evenly spaced steps and their timing, methodical turns, and clicking of the heels – everything perfect- never leaving their post- honoring those that gave it all to defend our liberty.

Twenty-one steps, then turn and face the tomb for 21 seconds and then repeat. This has been done continually with no break since 1937 through rainstorms, snow and other elements. I watched as my kids soaked in the importance of what this stood for, as did the hundred or so others who were watching in complete silence and reverence. I had more than a lump in my throat at this point.

What a great county we live in. I pray this 4th of July people find and focus on what unites us again and not what divides us as the politicians seem to enjoy. This year I thank God for his plan for our country and how great it is. I thank God that he is still in control.

I thank God that I live in a community like Yukon and the surrounding communities that are thriving and has one of the best fireworks displays and celebrations in the state. I am proud that we have the opportunity to help sponsor Freedom Fest in Yukon (look for our patriotic lighted sign at the park) because it means more to me and my office than just fireworks and ice cream.

Sorry, next time I’ll throw in some insurance relevance. Happy Birthday America- we love ya!!

Mike Vincent is co-owner of Wesco Insurance Agency in Yukon.