Police commit more patrols at Cimarron, Moffat intersection

Neighbors near the Cimarron-Moffat intersection want motorists to stop and obey the law.

By Mindy Ragan Wood
Staff Writer

Piedmont police are stepping up patrol at an intersection where several residents say drivers are running the stop sign, Chief Scott Singer confirmed Tuesday.

“Dispatch has received a couple of complaints from citizens driving in the area about trucks driving through the stop sign at Moffat and Cimarron Road. We have put out extra patrols, two of our officers to spend some time as time permits working enforcement in that area specifically to have an appearance so that if trucks see them they’ll stop and if they don’t then they receive a citation,” he said.

Sally Huston lives near the intersection and reported the danger on Facebook.

“There have been several,” Huston wrote in a message. “We just moved into the corner house at Cimarron & Moffat three weeks ago and are amazed at the people that don’t stop. It’s one thing in the country to float a stop sign, it’s another to run through it without even slowing down. My husband alerted police a couple weeks ago and we saw them a couple times. Last week we saw a farm grain truck go through it several times during the day. We came across him on the road  and spoke with him. The next time he came through, he did stop.”

Huston and Singer both said the intersection is clearly visible with no overgrown grass or tree limbs to block the view of the stop sign.

“Those signs are easy to see,” Singer said. “Some of those trucks are traveling frequently, so you may miss it one time, but it would be highly suspect if you missed it five or six times. Hopefully, the word will spread and that will cause people to be more cautious and stop.

Huston speculated about truck drivers may running through the intersection.

“I know they sit up higher and can probably see further down the road than an average vehicle, but it’s still scary,” she said.

Singer anyone who breaks the law will be cited.